This series features webinars on a variety of telehealth topics including coding, billing, policy updates, developing workflows and staff training, and technology guidance. Dates and topics will be posted as they are announced. Webinars are free of charge and hosted on Zoom. Sign up today and you’ll be notified of the upcoming sessions.
April 30| 12 - 1p CST Critical Telehealth Updates - The Status of Congress’s Financial Package and Telehealth Policy
Join Richelle Marting address Congressional action that affects Medicare coverage of telehealth in 2025 and beyond. Numerous telehealth flexibilities created during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency have been extended year after year through federal financial packages and CMS policy. The end of 2024 brought significant uncertainty, as many provisions of telehealth coverage for Medicare came down to the wire in a last minute, 90-day extension just before they were set to expire on January 1. With the end of that 90-day extension passing on April 1, 2025, be sure to check out this presentation!
March 12| 12 - 1p CST Changes to Care Management Coding and Billing in RHCs, FQHCs for 2025
In this session, Richelle Marting will discuss changes to the types of care management services RHCs and FQHCs can perform and bill to the Medicare program, and how those services are coded and paid. It will also cover Medicaid coverage of certain care management services like remote physiologic monitoring.
January 28 | 12 –1 PM CST - 2025 Telehealth Landscape - Critical Medicare Billing and Policy Updates
The leadup to January 1, 2025 left healthcare professionals with uncertainty on the future of telehealth billing under the Medicare program. This session discusses legislative and regulatory updates for the turn of the year surrounding eligible originating sites for patients in the Medicare program; eligible distant site provider billers of telehealth services, the status of audio only telehealth services, and other telehealth policy affected by end of year legislation or lack thereof. Don’t miss these critical updates that will inform telehealth providers of their responsibilities in 2025.
January 07 | 12 –1 PM CST - RTTC - Utilizing Telementoring to Bolster the Rural Workforce
People living in rural and remote areas face persistent and systemic health care challenges including hospital and clinic closures, geographic isolation, workforce shortages, economic & demographic shifts, high burdens of chronic disease, high rates of traumatic injuries. Where there is a gap in health care access or quality, there is an opportunity to share resources and build bridges that improve health. The Rural Telementoring Training Center (RTTC) provides free training, tools, and technical assistance to support the implementation and evaluation of new and existing telementoring programs for rural health workers. Telementoring can improve rural health by building local capacity, reducing professional isolation, improving access to care, and sharing best practices. It can transform training and education through a range of uses including clinical knowledge & task shifting, workforce development & training, rapid implementation, clinic management, & operation support, and professional development activities.
Telementoring Quality Measures Toolkit can be accessed here
November 20| 12 - 1p CST Final Physician Fee Schedule
In this session, Richelle Marting addresses final rulemaking impacting services that may be reported via telehealth. Telehealth policy continues to be an evolving policy topic, and the 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule continues to address these evolving policies as agencies and the legislature consider how to address permanent telehealth under the Medicare program.
September 19| 1 - 2p CST Expanding Rural Access - Key Insights from Implementing TAPs Across Oklahoma
This session hosted by HTRC and the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers provides useful takeaways to help you improve your own telehealth services and better serve your patients through Telehealth Access Points (TAPs).
JULY 31 | 12 –1 PM CST - Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule & Professional Licensure Requirements
Join us as we explore the proposed changes to the CMS 2025 Physician Fee Schedule and their potential impact on telehealth. We will cover the most significant proposed changes, their implications for telehealth services, as well as key updates to professional requirements and licensure to support compliance. Don't miss this opportunity to understand the proposed changes in Medicare telehealth reimbursements and how licensure updates affect your practice.
Recording Link:
FEBRUARY 13 | 12 –1 PM CST - Deep Dive - Telehealth Codes
Join us as Richelle Marting dives deeper into documenting and coding telehealth visits to ensure reimbursements! Following our previous webinars on updated CMS guidelines since the end of the public health emergency, she will guide us through telehealth coding examples related to new patient visits, existing patient visits in key service areas, and how to apply new codes related to social determinants of health, and principle illness navigation.
Recording Link:
FEBRUARY 6 | 12 –1 PM CST - DEA Relaxes (Modestly) the Rule on E-Prescriptions
Prescribers may experience some relief from the relaxation of the DEA rule that now allows a one-time transfer of an initial e-prescription for controlled substances from one pharmacy to another. This rule change alleviates the prescriber from having to resend the prescription to a new pharmacy. The change is designed to reduce the administrative burden previously experienced by patients, pharmacies and providers. The webinar will discuss the nuances of the rule change.
Recording Link:
JANUARY 16 | 12 –1 PM CST - Care Management Services
Each year, Medicare has been expanding coverage of a relatively new category of service called care management, encompassing care plan oversight, transitional care management, chronic care management, advance care planning, and many more. In the FQHC and RHC settings, coverage and payment for each new care management benefit has lagged behind their traditional clinic counterparts. In 2024, the door to payment for additional care management services was opened for FQHCs and RHCs. This session will discuss care management benefits available to FQHCs and RHCs under the Medicare program and new benefits available in 2024.
Recording link:
OCTOBER 24 | 1 –2 PM CST - DEA Rules
This year has seen numerous DEA announcements on the winddown of the PHE and impact to controlled substance prescriptions waivers. This session addresses pre-PHE rules, temporary flexibilities created during the PHE, and the DEA’s current position on prescription of controlled substances via telehealth and its regulatory winddown timeline.
Recorded Link:
AUGUST 30 | 12 –1 PM CST - Physician Fee Schedule 2024 Revisions
CMS released its proposal for the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule, and as expected, there is a strong focus on telehealth policy as the Public Health Emergency expired and guiding providers on the short-term future of telehealth billing and payment. This session addresses the telehealth rules that remain in effect, a brief overview of those that have expired, and will summarize the key provisions in Medicare’s proposed rule that providers of telehealth services need to be aware of as we approach the final calendar year for PHE telehealth flexibility extensions.
Recording Link:
JUNE 21 | 12 –1 PM CST Heartland Hour
The Public Health Emergency has ended and HTRC hosted virtual office hour featuring Richelle Marting, JD, MHSA, RHIA to provide information and an opportunity to ask questions.
Recording Link:
APRIL 4 | 12 –1 PM CST - Evaluate and Assess Your Billing Process
This session will provide helpful tools to evaluate your current reimbursement processes, including planning for future sustainability as the public health emergency comes to an end.
Recording Link:
MARCH 7 | 12 –1 PM CST - Reimbursement resources to support telehealth programs
This session is a practical session to identify and guide attendees through the navigation of important telehealth resources that can help keep telehealth providers up to date on current rules and requirements.
Recording Link:
FEBRUARY 7 | 12 –1 PM CST - Updates into 2023 Guidelines and the PHE
December brought additional legislation extending certain flexibilities all the way through December 31, 2024. This session will discuss which flexibilities were – and which were not – extended under that federal law. We will look at the status of Public Health Emergency and where new legislation is conflicting with current Medicare policy. The session will include a review of state policies affecting telehealth.
Recording link:
DECEMBER 14 | 12 –1 PM CST - Telehealth Payor Policy Survey
Recording link:
NOVEMBER 30 | 12 –1 PM CST - Medicare Final Rule Announced
Recording link:
AUGUST 3 | 12 –1 PM CST - Risks, Red Flags, and Best Practices
This session will focus on the Office of Inspector General’s review of a number of
telehealth companies’ business practices. We will review red flags to look for when choosing a
vendor to work with when setting up your telehealth practice, include best practices and things to avoid.
Recording link:
JULY 27 | 12 –1 PM CST - Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposals
Updates to payment policies, payment rates and provisions for telehealth services will be
provided. In addition, this webinar will cover state legislative updates provided by the Center for
Connected Health Policy and information related to the Public Health Emergency flexibilities.
Recording link:
JUNE 29 | 12 –1 PM CST - Rural Health Centers Telehealth Coding, Billing and PHE Extension Review
This session discusses Medicare and applicable Medicaid telehealth rules for rural health
clinics, including those flexibilities extended as part of the COVID-19 public health emergency.
The future of telehealth in the RHC setting, including extension of telehealth flexibilities after
the PHE and pending federal legislation directly impacting RHCs as telehealth providers will be
Recording link:
JUNE 15 | 12 –1 PM CST - In-Person Requirements (6-Month Rule) for Mental Telehealth Visits
Perhaps one of the most confounding changes to telehealth in recent years was the
expanded access to mental and behavioral telehealth services under the Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2020. While purportedly increasing access to these services under the
Medicare program, the requirement to have an initial in-person visit and subsequent in-person
visits under certain conditions has caused waves among behavioral health providers. This
session focuses on the evolution of rules governing mental and behavioral telehealth services under the Medicare program and when the in-person visit requirements do and do not apply.
Recording link:
MAY 24 | 12 –1 PM CST - Critical Access Hospitals – PHE Extension Implications for Telehealth Services and Specialty
Critical access hospitals were extended several flexibilities during the COVID-19 public
health emergency to facilitate delivery of services via telehealth. As the possibility of the
impending end of the public health emergency declaration approaches, legislation and a
number of still-pending proposed bills affect the delivery of telehealth through critical access
hospitals. This session discusses the past, present, and future of rules governing telehealth
delivery in the CAH setting.
Recording link:
APRIL 27 | 12 –1 PM CST - Interstate Licensing for Telehealth, Coding and Billing Implications
Guest speaker, attorney Diane Bellquist, former counsel for the Kansas Board of Healing
Arts, will join the session to discuss interstate licensing rules affecting the delivery of telehealth.
Richelle Marting will join the discussion to address how interstate licensing impacts coding and
billing of telehealth services across state lines.
Recording link:
APRIL 20 | 12 –1 PM CST - Guardian Responsibilities and Issues Surrounding Consent, Privacy, Service Delivery and Billing in the Telehealth Context Across the Lifespan
Consent and privacy are still necessary, yet sometimes overlooked, aspects of healthcare
delivery in a telehealth format. This session will discuss topics of consent, including issues
surrounding parental or guardian consent for minors, consent related to incompetent adults,
and durable powers of attorney. The question of who can consent for services closely relates to
the privacy of information surrounding a service, and the HIPAA and more recent information
blocking rules will be discussed in light of consent for delivery.
Recording link:
MARCH 30 | 12 –1 PM CST - Long Term Care Service Delivery and Billing
This session will cover the role of telehealth in the long-term care setting, with a
particular focus on skilled nursing facilities. Use of and billing for telehealth for physician visits
and therapy services will be discussed.
Recording link:
MARCH 16 | 12 –1 PM CST - Policy, Billing and/or Guidelines Around Telehospice and Telepalliative Care
This session will cover the role of telehealth in the delivery of hospice and palliative care
services, with a focus on coding and billing requirements and flexibilities extended during the
public health emergency.
Recording Link:
FEBRUARY 23 | 12 –1 PM CST- Telehealth in Therapy Disciplines
Perhaps among the most affected disciplines when COVID telehealth policies expanded were the therapy disciplines of speech, physical, and occupational therapy. These professionals previously were not eligible to render telehealth in many instances, but have since enjoyed the benefits of telehealth modalities. This session will explore the expanded coverage for therapy providers and the outlook on their continued access to the telehealth modality.
Recording Link:
FEBRUARY 2 | 12 –1 PM CST- Legislative Updates on Telehealth Policies
Much of our post-COVID telehealth services and payments will revolve around what, if any, legislation and regulations are passed to make many of the temporary telehealth flexibilities we’ve become accustomed to permanent solutions to telehealth delivery. This session will review state and federal legislation involving telehealth and the status of various bills and policies.
Recording link:
JANUARY 19 | 12 –1 PM CST- Pediatric Telehealth Reimbursement
Much of the focus on telehealth payment policy centers around Medicare rules, but this session will review topics unique to pediatric care and discussion of telehealth services relevant to pediatric patients. Coding, billing, and applicable commercial payor guides will be reviewed.
Recording link:
JANUARY 12 | 12 –1 PM CST- Update on Medicaid Agencies’ Telehealth Policies
As state governors’ emergency declarations were rescinded or allowed to expire, uncertainty remained with respect to the temporary telehealth policies that were put into effect as part of the COVID-19 pandemic. This session will review Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma Medicaid telehealth policies and discussion of those no longer in effect and anticipated durations for those still in effect.
Recording link:
DECEMBER 16 | 12 –1 PM CST- Medicare Audits & Appeals
Now more than ever, revenue integrity is critical. Audits of coding, billing, and payment accuracy are necessary to preserve the Medicare program’s integrity as well, but can be considerably interfere with a healthcare provider’s operations and cash flow. This session discusses types of Medicare audits, strategies for successfully approaching audits, and discussion of the appeal process to best demonstrate how documentation and billing supports payments received for a successful Medicare review.
DECEMBER 9 | 12 –1 PM CST- A Deeper Dive into Remote Monitoring
This session will explain remote monitoring services, code descriptions and requirements, and billing rules. We will also cover Medicare’s newly established benefits for remote therapeutic monitoring – a new set of codes going into effect for 2022. Gray areas, anticipated future guidance, and compliance pitfalls will be reviewed.
NOVEMBER 17 | 12 –1 PM CST-Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule
The long-anticipated 2022 Final Physician Fee Schedule doesn’t just establish payment rates. It introduces several new categories of telehealth services, defines rules for telehealth after the Public Health Emergency ends, and impacts documentation and payment for professionals in about every setting of care and every discipline. This session will discuss changes that take effect January 2022 and beyond under this final rule.
NOVEMBER 10 | 12 –1 PM CST-Telehealth and long term care
Reducing exposure to staff and vulnerable populations in long term care communities prompted further flexibilities to telehealth in these settings. This session discusses coverage of telehealth in the long term care setting, including frequency limitations and COVID-19 PHE flexibilities.
OCTOBER 28 | 12 –1 PM CST-Fundamentals in Telebehavioral Health
In a collaboration between clinical and coding conversations, this session will discuss trends in the delivery of telebehavioral health services including school-based care. Billing for telebehavioral health in these emerging settings and care models will be discussed.
OCTOBER 14 | 12 –1 PM CST-Telehealth Billing in the Hospital Setting
This session will discuss professional and facility billing for telehealth in the hospital setting, including tele-stroke, tele-ICU, and tele-supervision rules. Temporary COVID PHE flexibilities impacting telehealth in the hospital setting, and proposed rules for CY 2022 affecting hospital telehealth will be reviewed.
SEPTEMBER 16 | 12 –1 PM CST-Trends in Private Payor Telehealth Coverage
Private payors significantly opened their doors and their wallets to telehealth coverage during the height of COVID-19 pandemic. As states’ emergency declarations are winding down, private payor coverage of telehealth has left more questions than answers. This session will review trends in private payor coverage of telehealth services, cost-sharing waivers, payment parity, and out of network coverage issues.
SEPTEMBER 9 | 12 –1 PM CST- Emerging Telehealth Legislation
Proposals in Medicare Fee Schedules have provided insight in to the short-term future of telehealth policy, but a number of state and federal legislative changes suggest major shifts are on the horizon that would make telehealth even more accessible and permanently relax or remove a number of the restrictions under Medicare payment rules for years. This session will review several important pieces of legislation on the horizon and discuss how they may impact the future of telehealth delivery.
AUGUST 27 | 12 –1 PM CST- Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule for 2022 – Q&A Session
This year’s Physician Fee Schedule will bring much anticipated guidance on transitioning from rules modified for the Public Health Emergency back to a “normal” and permanent state. This session will first review the provisions of the proposed rule that will take effect January 1, 2022. Then we’ll do an interactive Q&A session. So be sure to bring your questions and we’ll help you find the answers!
AUGUST 12 | 12 –1 PM CST- Medicare Care Management Services
Each year, Medicare has been expanding coverage of a relatively new category of service called care management, encompassing care plan oversight, transitional care management, chronic care management, advance care planning, and many more. This session with define the care management category, describe the services it encompasses and compliance requirements applicable to the entire category of care management, and dive into detailed rules for common care management services.
JULY 23 | 12 –1 PM CST- Behavioral Health Workshop
This session will discuss coverage of mental and behavioral-health specific services delivered via telehealth or ‘quasi-telehealth’ formats. We will review coding and compliance considerations and discuss COVID flexibilities, as well as federal legislation affecting delivery of behavioral health services in a telehealth format.
JULY 15 | 12 –1 PM CST- Remote Patient Monitoring for All Providers
Interest in remotely monitoring patients’ physiological data greatly increased with the addition of several new codes to Medicare coverage and payment rules in 2017. The services come with considerable coding and compliance nuances and continue to evolve with almost every year’s fee schedule updates. This session will define remote physiologic monitoring services, describe code(s) that may be used to report remote patient monitoring, and will detail the compliance requirements to provide these services, as well as discuss several COVID Public Health Emergency Flexibilities.
June 17 | 12 –1 PM CST-Telehealth in the hospital setting- including critical access hospitals
Telehealth in the hospital setting introduces some unique compliance issues, especially in the midst of COVID waivers and rules. This session covers a review of hospital-based telehealth services, coding/billing considerations, coverage restrictions, and COVID-specific waivers. Medicare-specific CPT/HCPCS codes for inpatient visits and critical care consults, frequency limits for hospital telehealth services, and supervision requirements will be reviewed.
June 10 | 12 –1 PM CST- “Quasi” Telehealth Services
Medicare has very technical requirements for the delivery of traditional telehealth services. This session explores “quasi” telehealth services – services that are provided absent an in-person, face to face visit – and the coding, billing, and coverage rules for those services. Examples include remote monitoring of physiologic data, e-visits, virtual check-ins, and remote review of photos/videos. If you provide these services without billing for them, or are interested in making these services available and understanding reimbursement for them, this session is for you.
MAY 13 | 12 –1 PM CST- RHC, FQHC Workshop on Completing the Claim
The second in our “Completing the Claim” deep dive sessions, this session will cover an in-depth discussion of requirements and pitfalls in completing fields of the RHC and FQHC claim forms as they pertain to telehealth services. Learn about telehealth place of service, units, modifiers, service location, and other important billing rules for these practice settings.
MAY 5 | 12 –1 PM CST- Medicaid and Telehealth
This session walks through some of the important Medicaid telehealth provisions across Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma including pre-COVID rules and current COVID coverage and billing policies. Learn how the states’ Medicaid programs compared to Medicare’s current telehealth policies and coding rules that apply to each.
APRIL 30 | 12 PM CST- Physician Practices Workshop: Completing the claim
If you are a physician practice that provides telehealth services, this session is for you. This session will cover the nuts and bolts technical aspects of coding and billing for telehealth services by reviewing key fields on the CMS 1500 claim form, including any differences between “normal” billing rules and special variations during the COVID Public Health Emergency.
APRIL 20 | 12 PM CST- Telehealth in 2021: Updates on Medicare payment policies
This session reviews updates to Medicare coverage for telehealth services from the 2021 fee schedules and current guidance and FAQs from Medicare. Included in the discussion will be a review of services permanently added to the list of telehealth services and those that will no longer be covered as telehealth services when the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency ends.
Facilitated by University of Kansas School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Behavioral Health and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Services.
As the 2020-21 school year begins, the HTRC and KU Telehealth ROCKS Schools have partnered to provide a resource to those who work with children in schools and other settings. In addition, to discussing the provision of behavioral and mental health services through telehealth, this webinar will bring experts to the table to discuss your questions and concerns around children and their behavioral and mental health needs during the back-to-school process.
We want to provide an opportunity for you to ask your questions and bring your concerns as the new school year begins. Please register for the webinar and provide your feedback during the registration process on topics and questions you might have, as well as insight into how your school or organization is approaching the back to school process and providing behavioral and mental health support to children.
Federal and State Telehealth Policy Update During COVID-19.
Opioids and Substance Use Treatment (with COVID-19 update)
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